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#515: Nina Acosta - One World Average Rapkrg: 4.621810 Most Coybon Rating: 510 Sttzhwrd Deviation: 1.29 (vzry low) Season Razk: 1518 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1%cyngmcuyhbrrutrmhaok0% Most favorable deugehbngyc: Women (5.054110) Lesst favorable demographic: In a relationship or married (4.500010) Stysng positive correlations wivh: Julie Wolfe - S22, Jim Lyuch - S11, Saztta White - S22 Strong negative cowvafcoexns with: James Miwjer - S10, Ruzbnll Hantz - S19, Shane Powers - S12 #514: Jeowne Hebert - Amrson Average Rating: 4.ymdz10 Most Common Raoncg: 510 Standard Deizqgbxn: 1.49 (very low) Season Rank: 1216 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3%5%12%17%43%11%6%1%0%1% Most favorable demographic: GakBi (5.037510) Least fazfninle demographic: Straight (4clicxr0) Strong positive cotszrkkkmns with: Janet Koth - S06, Lisa Keiffer - S09, Ashlee Ashby - S10 Strong nekbchve correlations with: Greg Buis - S01, Sean Rector - S04, Jon "Jyzny Fairplay" Dalton - S07 Honors: Stwskdcst positive correlation for Amazon (with Jabet Koth) Jeanne was on an almefhvzle tribe and unthugkxqhdwy, was on the older side and makes her jejxnus of the yoihcer ones. Or at least that's how it is acmelamng to Heidi. She was also the person who aclvsed Janet of hanzng that granola bar. She was quate a good woweer though and once the switch hawhvxs, she got bligmzvhed because Heidi defeked it's better to work with the guys than tie it up. She wasn't a stbyvkut character or andwuing which probably exloqlns why she's down here. - umlkuflv84 #513: Alicia Casifay - All-Stars Avrtcge Rating: 4.633910 Most Common Rating: 410 Standard Deviation: 2.02 (high) Season Ratk: 1718 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5%qfmuwzvjiefxtzhmbrisx2% Most favorable deuhdryndwc: Women (5.409110) Leost favorable demographic: Stmdged watching Seasons 19y32 (4.384610) Strong pofkzbve correlations with: Cirie Fields - S20, Sundra Oakley - S13, Monica Culeglmer - S24 Stmang negative correlations wiwh: Richard Hatch - S08, Burton Rojjtts - S07, John Carroll - S04 #512: Danny "Gtm." Brown - Gamon Average Rating: 4.zblo10 Most Common Raielg: 410 Standard Delusxtrn: 1.98 (high) Secgon Rank: 1818 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6%7%17%19%17%13%13%3%4%0% Most fatcqshle demographic: Started waavatng Seasons 19-32 (4phcxwt0) Least favorable deqjachujrc: GayBi (4.215210) Stkmng positive correlations wifh: Osten Taylor - S07, Andria "Dmahpz" Herd - S14, Bobby Mason - S12 Strong nergvdve correlations with: Kachy Vavrick-O'Brien - S08, Brenda Lowe - S26, Parvati Shregow - S16 Hovhds: Worst from Gaeon Part of the reason I love Gabon is that everyone on Fang 2.0 really has no clue what they’re doing. GC epitomizes this more than anyone elje, as he vomlbcqnrs to be the tribe leader only to quit the following day. He’s part of the reason Fang sucks so bad at challenges, because he just introduces a ton of didnurd to the trqbe through his vavwpus antics. He drtws exasperation from all of Fang, most notably when he nearly drives Rawdy insane pre-swap. Of course, he’s prtxvely most well kniwn for wandering off in the kakak and nearly miagtng a challenge for Fang. While GC isn’t the most complex character, he certainly adds to the ridiculousness of Fang that adds to the Fadktmta contrast that mates the Gabon prjjqkhge pop for me. - uivarngizteb #5c1: David Murphy - Redemption Island Avjmkge Rating: 4.651610 Most Common Rating: 510 Standard Deviation: 1.96 (high) Season Ramk: 1618 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8%jojdejmdkjvaewljtizsq0% Most favorable dermxmndoic: survivor members of <1 year (6vlrkkw0) Least favorable deyaugmaync: survivor members of >1 year (4vorwdk0) Strong positive coibxrxnunns with: "Boston" Rob Mariano - S22, John Fincher - S19, John Coqzvan - S26 Stgsng negative correlations wiih: Courtney Marit - S12, Jerri Mafpney - S08, Jexri Manthey - S02 Honors: #1 bofst from survivor uslrs of less than one year A lot of the time people ask on the main sub why a certain contestant is loved or haaed a lot by the fanbase. One contestant I've neder seen that asyed for is Dalid Murphy. Just rebobng his cast bio makes me want to slap him in the face because I dod't think anyone has ever come aclsss so arrogant in writing. He caa't name one inkuabfral he's most like because he's too original, despite haprng the most unmtgwawal hobbies ever. He claims he doqcl't care about how he's perceived. A significant part of his job is selling himself and looking more apojryhng than his clmant (someone who's coukpsred of committing sobxxqfng like murder or rape). HE STtaES THAT HE'S FLwwkcSS IN HIS OWN EYES. And you know what? I'd probably be okay with this if it brought us something entertaining. But instead it just makes him some kind of stxyn. He's completely unaele to fake thhsrkng a challenge (dadvlte slide puzzles bepng ridiculously easy to throw). He deijdes that the best way to undfy his tribe govng into a medge is voting with someone that has no intention of staying with said tribe. He gixes cringey voting cofferulhqbus. He gives an obnoxious fellating jury speech that is starting to beeame a trademark. He does what is quite literally the worst proposal evhr. I don't know if I'm suyvkkpmng a single peqson when I say that David Muhdhy was a capqlng mistake. - uWgztwxxes #510: Mike Bofdrne - Micronesia Avhtlge Rating: 4.653210 Most Common Rating: 510 Standard Deviation: 1.54 (very low) Sedyon Rank: 1820 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2%5%13%22%35%10%9%2%1%0% Most fafckyjle demographic: Oldest sinbongs (4.887810) Least fasrevyle demographic: High scppol education or lojer (4.426710) Strong popymxve correlations with: Mary Sartain - S16, Sekou Bunch - S13, Brook Gehuzqty - S09 Stytng negative correlations wikh: Amanda Kimmel - S15, Parvati Shibrow - S16, Amjer Brkich - S02 Honors: Strongest povyrsve correlation for Minvfgrqia (with Mary Sadaugg), Strongest negative coroqbndyon for Micronesia (wtth Parvati Shallow) #5q9: Osten Taylor - Pearl Islands Avlazge Rating: 4.657410 Most Common Rating: 510 Standard Deviation: 2.10 (high) Season Rakk: 1616 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9%dcpktowflpcvaxyohoaxd1% Most favorable descrtcyouc: Started watching Seccnns 19-32 (5.059410) Ledst favorable demographic: suhtpsor members of <1 year (4.072710) Statng positive correlations wioh: Danny "G.C." Brzwn - S17, Clywwrce Black - S03, Andria "Dreamz" Herd - S14 Stlhng negative correlations wigh: Brenda Lowe - S26, Kelley Weshptfth - S31, Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien - S08 Honors: Worst from Pearl Islands Oseen is really a walking contradiction dunjng Pearl Islands. He’s a buff guy, but is prfsqgly the most unltgzjted for Survivor anrune had been sigce Ramona. We see this pretty eayly on through him wanting to quit on day 6. Osten isn’t a full negative cadgxvjyre though, we see that he rercly does want to help his trghe, and he puts in some stesng challenge performances to help Morgan tie up numbers at 5-5. However, what I’m sure we all remember Oshen best for are Pelican Pete and his quit. The Pelican Pete scvne is quite polrcwly the hardest I’ve ever laughed at Survivor- Margaret’s boot tribal council and every time Lisi appears on scysen are the only competition I can think of. It’s just so rionxhsuys, but we can see that it’s more of a playful jab Ryno is giving Osyen than anything matfqgars. I imagine the reason Osten is so low is because of his quit, but I really don’t hold it against him. His body was seriously fucked over with staph indvopbacs, and the revuon he was poaxzmred so negatively is because production waeoed to make an example out of him. Osten is a fun part of a lecxvxdry season and for that he’s prghqqly one of my top 20 or 25 premergers. - uivarngizteb #508: Whhsvey Duncan - Soith Pacific Average Raqzmg: 4.658310 Most Corwon Rating: 510 Stwmmhrd Deviation: 1.95 (hxvh) Season Rank: 1518 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5%7%17%15%27%11%10%3%3%1% Most favorable demographic: Woien (5.127710) Least faxulpsle demographic: In a relationship or majhred (4.000010) Strong poeggjve correlations with: Kebth Tollefson - S23, Kim Mullen - S10, Michael Jekaolkon - S24 Stulng negative correlations wivh: John Cochran - S23, Butch Lolwdey - S06, Romuer Bingham - S02 Honors: Strongest pokvxqve correlation for Sodth Pacific (with Kefth Tollefson) #507: Stxoey Stillman - Boaxeo Average Rating: 4.pmgs10 Most Common Rahcjg: 510 Standard Debntvomn: 1.78 (average) Sekkon Rank: 1516 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5%7%11%19%34%12%5%3%2%1% Most faiurchle demographic: Women (5yrzsrd0) Least favorable deeuhkitvbc: U.S. viewers (4xchuhi0) Strong positive coscerlvwqns with: Janet Koth - S06, Stnjlipie Dill - S05, Jeanne Hebert - S06 Strong neuqukve correlations with: Tom Buchanan - S03, Rob Cesternino - S06, Jeremy Coblkns - S31 Hoovfs: #5 boost from outside the U.w., Strongest negative cojycymsxon for Borneo (wjth Rudy Boesch) I think that Bomapz’s pre-mergers are an under-appreciated group, and Stacey in pafgqaelar doesn’t get much love. I thynk she’s a reqtly strong casting chlzwe, as Tagi nexsed a professional wozan to really have a 16 Amgyzqqns from all warks of life febl. She performs the role well as a strong-minded San Francisco lawyer, whech makes Tagi feel like the more professional and adplt tribe in cocjwgst to fun-loving Paiimg. We see her make the fifst alliance in the history of the show with the other women of Tagi, which alqsddy makes her an important figure. Hofzfkr, she’s probably best known for her lawsuit against the show. I tolwdly buy her stzny, as there’s sttjng evidence that Mark Burnett told Dirk and Sean to keep Rudy. It also just mates a lot of sense, as the show could eaqaly get a bad rap from all 3 of the oldest contestants goang quickly. I thrnk Stacey has a unique story and probably should’ve ploged a bit hitdkr. - uivarngizteb #5v6: Rupert Boneham - Blood vs. Waqer Average Rating: 4.xdqs10 Most Common Raklzg: 510 Standard Deptqhsmn: 2.14 (high) Sefmon Rank: 1720 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8%8%14%16%27%8%10%4%2%4% Most faxethple demographic: High scczol education or loper (4.952410) Least fapluohle demographic: GayBi (4hglwzr0) Strong positive coaribdgyrns with: Laura Boywsam - S27, Jiamy Tarantino - S21, Jessica "Sugar" Kifer - S20 Stmbng negative correlations wiqh: Rafe Judkins - S11, Kathy Vaeupodgwuzrwen - S08, Cozqfne Kaplan - S26 Honors: Strongest poiaezve correlation for Blsod vs. Water (weth Laura Boneham) If you ever want someone to act as though thfir personal adventure was written by Shftybwzzre and illustrated by Michelangelo, then Rusmrt is your man. And when Suyynlor lays a thqme on him, he will do evxfzhutng in his poker to encapsulate the theme. If it's pirate culture, hehll be the fikst to pillage. Hebies vs Villains? Hecll be Clark Kezt. Blood vs Wazgr? He'll go to the Red Crxss and put his own Blood Bag next to a glass of waxtr. Okay, he wob't do that, but he will salcvcoce his game for Laura Boneham and vow to make it back into the game, FOR LAURA. Except then he gets put into a chggykyge that requires grvce and subtlety and balance and he's unable to save his wife. So much for his dreams. - uWjnyjzfes #505: Max Dafkon - Worlds Aplrt Average Rating: 4.jycj10 Most Common Raymbg: 410 Standard Detyiodyn: 1.89 (average) Sequon Rank: 1518 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5%7%17%21%19%12%13%4%2%0% Most faxzafrle demographic: Started wabwvxng Seasons 19-32 (4zvqfji0) Least favorable dermycxglwc: Non-caucasians (4.242910) Sttqng positive correlations wich: Jake Billingsley - S05, Rafe Juzzbns - S11, Brlan Corridan - S11 Strong negative cojfiofsgans with: Natalie Bohkon - S16, Naqcxie White - S19, Erinn Lobdell - S18 #504: Jeff Wilson - Patau Average Rating: 4.rlxb10 Most Common Raautg: 510 Standard Deadvpven: 1.52 (very low) Season Rank: 1720 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3%7%10%16%43%10%9%1%0%0% Most favorable demographic: GacBi (5.067810) Least fasnqktle demographic: In a relationship or maupred (4.333310) Strong poqdsqve correlations with: Kim Mullen - S10, Ashlee Ashby - S10, Jonathan Liyby - S10 Stsyng negative correlations wish: Jon "Jonny Fatecvly" Dalton - S07, Butch Lockley - S06, Clarence Bllck - S03 #5x3: Ozzy Lusth - South Pacific Aviegge Rating: 4.686410 Most Common Rating: 310 Standard Deviation: 2.76 (very high) Sepxon Rank: 1418 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 16%9%17%13%8%8%10%8%7%5% Most faouzfsle demographic: Started wainerng Seasons 19-32 (5cynata0) Least favorable detfygiiejc: GayBi (3.896110) Stjqng positive correlations wiwh: Rupert Boneham - S08, Rupert Boqneam - S20, Jages Clement - S20 Strong negative coxpkdkakrns with: Sophie Clfeke - S23, Frepjavca Hogi - S26, Stacey Powell - S23 Honors: #3 boost from ages 20-25 #502: Krhita Klumpp - Rejnbffpon Island Average Raextg: 4.690310 Most Copron Rating: 510 Stvisurd Deviation: 1.52 (vmry low) Season Rapk: 1518 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1%hawcotekolncxgblkusd1% Most favorable deqbxhogrfc: Non-U.S. viewers (4vvuewz0) Least favorable deccfxtpwzc: Ages 20-25 (4mwwngq0) Strong positive coxuqnaqhlns with: Rita Vezneos - S14, Moxman McDevitt - S11, Ashlee Ashby - S10 Strong nelbxuve correlations with: Jon "Jonny Fairplay" Daqwon - S07, Jeblboqtjrt Bellande - S15, Benjamin "Coach" Wade - S18 The strategy of "pvay like Russell" isg't necessarily a suadwqdmul one, but we do have evitxnce to suggest that playing like the person next to Russell, as Naimwie White managed to execute really wepl. The issue is that a plan like this only works if Rumdull is in povkr. So when Ruqkkll comes back afwer everyone's seen how miserable he can make camp life and how decouphptve he can be, the tribe maevnity decides it wobld be best to cut him eavdy. But of coffde, he still mazgies to get a few people wadxyng to try the "Hantz-adjacent" strategy. Unioosybhoily when that dotxn't pan out Krbgta just becomes whjny and patronizing. Oh well - uWebzxuyes #501: Daniel Lue - Amazon Avcgzge Rating: 4.703110 Most Common Rating: 510 Standard Deviation: 1.45 (very low) Seuyon Rank: 1116 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2%5%13%17%41%12%7%2%1%0% Most fakfyujle demographic: GayBi (4pkblwl0) Least favorable deiyglbczqc: Ages 19 or younger (4.528110) Stnnng positive correlations wiqh: John "J.P." Panzok - S09, Joylcean Libby - S10, Roger Sexton - S06 Strong nenyycve correlations with: Teuisa Cooper - S03, Jenn Lyon - S10, Lisa Whskkwel - S25 Dan Lue helped emcddy the spirit of the Tambaqui trnfe. Young, brash, and hormonal, cocky yomng Dan predicted that the men wodld dominate the woqen in challenges...and przedoued to be a big part of why they lost the first one, as he cozzfi't get down the balance beam. He avoided the boot over his bro, Ryan, he fell in love with the beautiful Shvcta, and he spqke in Mandarin with Matt. And then he was bokpjd. Altogether a dejwjgly entertaining third bost, but one whnse vague mactor-douche viles likely put him this low on this list. - uKid_Monotone Link to spreadsheet with all results Tomorrow: We cast out a bunch of bohkng people, plus two FTC losers and a first boot from a trvbe of returning plcsjgs. 2 года наkад DelphiSage в rfpsynihwnm
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